
A Legend who is putting Nagpur on the World Coffee Map

This Story is a 7 mins Read | Well, let’s go back to 2017, a time when coffee in Nagpur was mostly about a date, perhaps a business meeting, or to pull off an all-nighter! And then, “Corridor Seven” happened – a legend that introduced our city to a speciality coffee culture, slowly, steadily, and successfully. Corridor Seven Coffee Roasters …

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From Grazing Goats in Poverty to becoming an MLA with Responsibility, and on a mission to eradicate Sickle Cell Anaemia in India by 2047 – The Untold Chronicle of Dr Milind Mane

This Story is a 6 mins Read | In the fabric of life, some threads are spun from the harshest beginnings, weaving a story of resilience, determination, and eventual triumph. Such is the saga of Dr. Milind Mane, a beacon of hope whose journey from the dusty lanes of Akola district in Maharashtra to the hallowed halls of medicine and …

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From the Corporate Chaos, into the Lap of Wilderness! An Inspiring Journey of Nagpur’s Very Own – Manoj N Gupta

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you just left the daily grind behind and moved into the lush greenery in the Wilderness? Curious? we’ve got just the perfect story for you today! Say hello to Manoj Gupta, a stirring personality who has invested more than two decades in the corporate hassle – simply took a …

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